Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Holy Freakin' CRAP!

I don't know what I did right, but I hope I do it again... Monday the 2nd I was dumbfounded to find a surprise awaiting me at home. Meghan has been plotting for the last few months to enable my addicting habits. No intervention needed, yet, but my sore butt may call for one because I won't be able to stay off of it. Behold! The newest member of Team Klein.

Trek Madone 5.2 SL!

My reaction - Sweeeeeeeet!

Oh and by the way, my butt really will be hurting. For all of those of you who don't know how completely insane I really am, hopefully you will join in the party to celebrate. My awesome cousin, Julie and I will be in Coeur d'Alene next June 22nd.

Mt. Baker

So it's finally raining in Seattle. Yes, I know it is supposed to always do that, but I tell you it's generally a lie in the summer. If it's any indication, I think we have every weekend planned out for the next 3 years. Be that as it may, the brief lull before the sun comes out again has given me the opportunity to FINALLY jot a few things down. I can't start back at the beginning of the year, but I will try to recap July. Then who knows!

The weekend right before the 4th of July I had it all planned out. Mt. Rainier, Fuhrer Finger and two days of climbing should finally bag the summit that eluded me last year at about 12,000ft. Alas it was not meant to be again seeing as my climbing partners pealed off and I was left with the desire, but not the means. BLAST!
Alternative plan B!
Called up my buddie, Pete (who would said he would climb anything BUT Rainier since he already knows the pain and is smarter than myself), and told him he was climbing this weekend. The new target Mt Baker. After the usual knee jerk reaction to why on earth would we subject ourselves to the inevitable sunburn, full body aches, and mistaken notion that somewhere below the blister was indeed a foot, he caved. Deep down we both had unfinished business from last years failed attempt on Baker.
Needless to say we FINALLY made it. The only items of note, besides the aforementioned pains, would have to be (1) a word to the wise...
When stopping to removc insulating clothin that is no longer needed for the blasting wind on top of the mountain, DO NOT put your helmet on the glacier business side down. For if you do, you will either have the glacier swallow it whole, or you will get to trek down the glacier to find it in a snow boulder field because the climbing gods smiled on you and your beer logo-clad helmet.
... and (2) volcanoes stink, but the view is great!
High Camp on the Coleman Glacier

Just how far is it to the top?

Summitting at Sunrise
Let me take one moment to draw attention to the gorgeous day it would have been on that mountain in the distance. Rainier. BLAST!
The second half of the Baker Party, Pete Schupp!

Look at all the ants still on their way up!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

~Been awhile~

Well, good grief. It's July already and we haven't blogged since Jan. Tsk. Our spring was lots of fun. We had a nice mild spring after the crazy winter around here and so we are back on friendly terms with the weather. Especially now that the June rain is over. I haven't minded the rain throughout the winters here, but in June it needs to be sunnier sooner, even though we need the rain! Glad not to be on fire or flooding though, so really we can't complain.

Brief synopsis of the spring since Hawaii is:

Mike went to England for a week for Boeing, which was quite fun. I wished I could have gone, but work at Dartmoor was swamped and we didn't have much notice. He stayed a couple days longer than business required and found a hostel and the tube nice cheap ways to see London. He didn't get to do anything in depth, but probably walked 8 miles in a day and did a great reconnaissance for when he takes me back next time. =+)

We spent many weekends hanging out with friends and finding good hiking (and then drinking) spots all around our area. In April Mike and I went up to Victoria for the weekend. We also got to explore Buchard Gardens and drive around the Victoria area. It was really beautiful in the spring and we must go back on foot to check out the city. (we had the car but no Canadian coins for the parking meters when we were there, hee)

We also enjoyed the tulip festival in Skagit County again on our way to the ferry. Stunning once again.

We spent Mother's Day in Moscow with my parents just before they embarked on a three-week tour of Italy. Pretty nice huh? We were jealous but were excited to see my mom get to Europe for the first time. They have a million photos we haven't gotten to see yet, but the stories are lots of fun and they really hated the cheap, delicious wine.

For Memorial Day, we went to Leavenworth with some friends for camping and ... gulp... rock climbing. Mike loved the challenges and new things he learned from our friend Chris, while my buddy Lisa (who has only been climbing for a year herself) helped me gather the courage to give it a whirl. I climbed two pitches, little ones, and it was fun. The adrenaline rush lasted long after I descended and was on solid, level ground again, however!

Us girls went wine tasting in town later in the day and let the boys happily climb a multi-pitch climb that didn't look even remotely fun to us. The camping was fun, the weather was lovely, and the company was great!

Shortly after that outing, the rain came back for a few weeks, but in June we were able to get out and hike Mt. Pilchuck one weekend. It was over half covered in snow still, but we were game. Mike kicked steps for me all the loong way up to a beautiful view of the surrounding area at the tippy top. And the best part? Glisading down. Man I can hike big snowy hikes like that any day when coming down is one long happy sled trip. Wahooooooooo! Mike thought I was a bit silly laughing like a loon all the way down, but man was it a hoot.

And the obligatory beer afterward!

A couple weeks ago, Mike had plans to climb Mt. Baker so I took myself off to Spokane to visit Sarah and Ryan and their new baby Jacob! Well, to be honest he's already 4 months old so it took me awhile to get my boochie over there. Poor Mike ended up not climbing at all due to terrible weather, but my weekend was wonderful. It was great to see Sarah and Ryan's house, it's sooo cute and they have a garden the size of our apartment that I'm insanely jealous of! And Jacob, what a doll. We watched a few softball games, had a BBQ, loved the baby, and just caught up. I'm definitely not waiting another 4 months to see them again!

Work has been busy for both of us. Dartmoor has been slammed with students all spring, way over full and not enough teachers to go around, but we persevered and I love the people I work with to pieces! As the roll-out date (7/8/07) gets closer, things get busier for Mike at Boeing too. He spent most of the night watching the landing gear put on to the 787 and it looks like it should!
And that sort of brings us up to date...until later.